We review submissions quarterly.
Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis and reviewed for publication by site organizers by January 30th, April 30th, July 30th, and October 30th. Selections for each review/publication period are limited; early submissions are encouraged. Edits and updates to previously posted projects are also welcomed at any time. We work to publish and update these resources available as quickly as we can.
Submission Process:
We suggest previewing the Submission Form first.
Due to the diverse ways we teach, many boxes exist to clarify your approach,
but many are not required. Please fill in what works for you.
Please Note: ​
Narrative voice in your submission:
Our submission form includes distinct areas-- some for conversing with educators and others addressing students.
PROJECT INFORMATION FOR EDUCATORS: In the spirit of sharing your nuggets of wisdom, in this area of the form, please address other educators. Feel free to be honest and conversational.
PROJECT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS: Here, speak/write as if you are sharing your assignment with a universal student. General strategies and project how-tos will assist other educators to imagine adapting this in their classrooms. Please do not offer specific due dates or expectation details that are more nuanced or particular to your institution. For example, no need to include: “Please upload your project to this Google Drive folder.” We don’t need these details to follow along.
FURTHER HOW?s: These areas are all optional, but if you have support images, links, artists' names, etc., add them here for easy access as helpful resources.
Yes! You can share a project idea you've never done before:
In fact, PLEASE share new projects here. One of our philosophies with WDWDN.art is to celebrate ideas in process. Starting points, when shared, create powerful ripple effects. Brainstorming made public now offers empowerment. Therefore, your projects don't need to be tested in the classroom. Share the ideas you have now. What you have is helpful.
Updates are welcome later:
We welcome updates to your project share after you’ve had a chance to give it a(nother) go in your classroom. Email them to us when you have them. (Remember: include your name and project title in the subject heading.)
Celebrate your inspirations! Many projects we share in our classrooms are built from a culmination of experiences with colleagues and mentors and information gained from conferences, workshops, journals, etc. Projects may not feel like they are fully yours, but we still believe sharing your specific approach to assignments is highly valuable and supportive. Share these projects, but please give shoutouts in your submission form.
Categorization Choices:
To assist us in organizing the Project Share library, please select a maximum of 4 categories for your submission. Course levels distinctions (foundations, advanced, etc.) should be put in the “Where?” box.
Student Work & Support Images:
Got ‘em? Great! Please share via the link in the form or after you submit your project by emailing them to info@whatdowedonow.art with the subject line heading:
“Images from [Your Name] for [Project or Exercise Title]”
Please take the time to edit, organize, and label these highly valued aspects of your submission. Your clarity in this effort is greatly appreciated. We wish to showcase these visual details of your project well, but need your help upfront to do so effectively and efficiently.
Please feel free to share links to resources supporting any projects found on our site. If resources are already available online, they are welcome here. However, we cannot publish PDF copies of book chapters, articles, etc. you have scanned on your own. Instead, share authors, book titles, chapters, article titles, etc. so these helpful resources may be found through libraries or other means.
No need to fill in all areas:
Within the submission form, various boxes offer you the opportunity to expand your approach to the assignment. Feel free to use these to clarify your reasoning behind the assignment, add a broader, more global view, share tips on where to get materials, etc. But, you don't have to fill them all in. No project particularly requires all these clarification points.
Questions? Please email info@whatdowedonow.art