Project & Exercise Submission Form
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the whatdowedonow.art project share collection.
Please note:
As with all good creative seeking, not all boxes require answers.
Required entries are marked with *
It will take us approximately two weeks to review your submissions.
If your submission is a collective effort, please choose ONE contributor as the main contact here. Please include information of others in "Additional Collaborators?" box below.
Personal Bio Page Link
(https:// format)
Additional Collaborators?
Please include collaborator info here: name, email, affiliation & bio page links
Project or Exercise Title*
Course Levels
In what course(s) would you use this? ... and for what levels? ...foundations? ... advanced, etc.?
For website categorizing purposes, please check
up to 4*
focus areas
that best apply:
Conversation Points for Instructors
Your introduction: Why are you having students take this on? Share your reasoning for approaching this assignment in this way. Alternative approaches could also be suggested here for use in projects taught fully online, 50% in person/50% away, etc. We understand this project idea may not have played out in your classroom yet, but help us picture its intended impacts for students. Taking on what’s ahead comes with uncertainty, but we celebrate it here! Unpolished ideas are welcome.
If this project has been inspired by mentors, colleagues, project share events, conference presentations, etc. please acknowledge here.
Project Prompt / Challenge
What are you challenging your students to take on? Please share your elevator pitch to them here.
How do you want your students to attack this challenge? What are the assignment’s steps? How do you lead them to the creative, confidence-building ideas/loopholes through your assignment discussion? Use this area to clarify and restate the nature of the assignment so they don’t veer off track. Some strategies will be detailed, and others won’t.
Details you offer under Materials, Timeline, and Further How?s (below) can help clarify the project for students further.
List materials and where to acquire them if applicable.
Will this assignment be complete in an hour? In 2-3 weeks? Over the course of the term? Clarify here.
Please share any other project details
you may have below:
Student Examples
Option 1: Please feel free to include links to images from your students if they are available online already.
Option 2 (after submitting this form): Email JPGs images directly to: submissions@whatdowedonow.art
Support Images
sketchbooks, demos, etc.
Option 1: Please feel free to include links to images from your sketchbook, demos, studio, etc. you’d like to share to clarify the assignment for students. 

Option 2 (after submitting this form): Email JPGs images directly to: submissions@whatdowedonow.art
**Due to copyright, please do not share images you’ve found online here. Instead, helpful resource links may be shared below.**
Online / Video Resources
Please provide
Page / Video titles
along with hyperlinks
Inspirational Artists
List any artist (or artist series) you think would be helpful for instructors or students to explore when considering this assignment.
Any other helpful tips?
No? No worries! We're grateful for all the helpful discussion points and details you've already offered above.
Thank you for taking the time to submit your project. We look forward to reviewing it for publication on whatdowedonow.art.
If you have student or support images to add to your submission, please email them now to info@whatdowedonow.art with the subject heading as “Images from [Your Name] for [Project or Exercise Title]”. In the body of the email, please include any image credit information we should have to publish this online.
We will be back in touch regarding your submission within the next two weeks.
We know this website’s value will grow as we extend our reach. Thank you for offering yours. Cheers!
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