Frequently Asked Questions

Does my project share submission have to be my own project?
No, but it’s important to acknowledge the people you adapted the project from, or collaborated with, when you share with us. We have spots for both acknowledgements and additional collaborators on the submission form!
My project was created as a collaboration. How do we submit it?
Yes! Near the top of the submission form, we have a spot for collaborator information. Please include their names, email, affiliation & bio page links.
Who reviews submissions?
Currently, Contributing Editors review submissions. If you are interested in becoming a Contributing Editor, please get in touch!
May I offer more resources for a project already on the website?
We are working on an additional resource submission process right now. Until we resolve this, feel free to send your project additions (including original project title) to
What if I have done a variation on someone else’s project? Can I submit it, too?
Yes, please do! We suggest highlighting your project share’s connection in the submission form’s acknowledgements section.
I want to share a foundations project. How do I submit it?
Foundations projects range in media focus and fit into a wide range of course titles. Due to this, we don’t have categories for beginning drawing, 2D Design or 3D Design. Instead we ask you to use the Where? section in the submission form to clarify which course(s) are best suited for your project. In addition, you may choose up to four (4) media options.
Do I need student examples? Should I have students do the project before I share it?
No, you don’t need to provide examples, if you don’t have any (or prefer not to share them). Visit our submissions page and provide any information you have at this point. Keep in mind that what you share doesn’t even need to be tried out yet. Our resource celebrates ideas at all states of development. Bring ‘em on! Send them our way!
What types of attachments can be included?
Photos: JPG and PNG files are welcome, no larger than 1000 pixels on the longest side.
Video / GIF:
We prefer embedding links from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Dailymotion or Twitch.
We will also accept: AVI, MPEG, MPG, MPE, MP4, MKV, WebM, MOV, OGV, VOB, M4V, 3PG, DivX, XVID.
The recommended video resolution is 1920 x 1080px.
If you have handouts or presentations you’d like to include with your project submission, you may send us:
PDFs (under 5 MBs, please)
Word document
(links to) Google Docs
Google Slide presentation (send as a link or PDF)
PowerPoint presentation (may be saved as a PDF or as a video or as a link to an online version)
Please note : You are encouraged to send us a cover image for these too. We will link your file to the image and provide the project page with a little more eye candy in the process.
Can I share a powerpoint?
Yes! But, since PowerPoint files are often (very) large, if you’d like to share them, please compress the image files so they are more user-friendly before you send us your PowerPoint. Another helpful option is to save your PowerPoint as a PDF file (under 5 MBs, please).
Can I share a book chapter / journal article as a PDF?
We all love handouts like these, but we need to keep it copyright friendly, so instead of sharing sections of publications you’ve copied from elsewhere, please give us the following:
Book or Journal Title
Author or Editor
Chapter or Article Title(s)
If however, the text is already freely available online through the publisher, you are welcome to provide a hyperlink.
How can I help?
Thanks for asking! We are currently looking for more reviewers and people to help recruit artists and educators to submit ideas to our project share. We are also looking for contributors for our Perspectives page: Do you have a book, podcast, or video series you love using in your teaching? An artist or educator you would love to interview? Studio visits? An idea you’d like help brainstorming? Or, would you like to help financially support our mission? We are currently a 100% volunteer-run effort and would love to cover the cost of the website and offer honorariums to contributors. If you have ideas and want to help, get in touch!